Hotel discounts or planning a trip to South Africa

Route 1:

Discounts on accommodation , vehicles and safaris without trip planning.

Send us a screenshot with the price you saw and we will lower it for you.

Track 2:

Planning a trip
Suitable for travelers on a medium-high budget, for closing a precise trip including hotels and cars.

how does it work

We build together with you a personalized and accurate route as possible.
On the one hand, we would like you to see as much as possible, and on the other hand, to do things at ease.

We will adapt the route to your time, your flights, your interests and your budget.

Sometimes we will recommend domestic flights and sometimes traveling by car. We will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each attraction, the advantages of a minimal change of accommodation, the likelihood of rain that may make complex plans less realistic, and more.

What is the cost of planning the trip?

Planning the trip free of charge. Although there is an advance of about 4000 rand, it is deducted from your bookings and we offer the accommodation and vehicles on this route at the same price you will see online, so there is no disadvantage in planning the trip with us.

The trip will not cost you more through us, but less.

Our engagement agreement, my friend, is 3 lines long:

The return: Noah Tourism will provide information and advice for the trip to South Africa and will be in contact with the travelers during the trip.

Payment: 4000 Rand for planning the trip. All accommodation and vehicles that the customer chooses will be booked through Noah Tourism at the lowest price. The 4000 rand will be deducted from this cost, so the consultation is free of charge.

Conditions: The customer will not transmit or publish information, including the trip plan.

Good to know about planning the trip with us:

  • We do not work on Saturdays
  • We will gladly answer your questions in a focused conversation after you read the frequently asked questions here on the site. We will not answer every common question on WhatsApp separately.
  • Here you will find the conditions for ordering tourism services
  • The itinerary is submitted as an electronic file with recommendations, links and useful information